A smarter way to find clients in the crypto market: No clients, no survival

Long Term Coin
5 min readMar 22, 2023


So in my last article, I talked about the pain of not finding clients in the crypto market. If you hold even a single cryptocurrency, you must accept that finding clients is critical to surviving in the crypto market. You can find clients by selling NFTs, becoming a fund manager, and managing other retail investors’ money.

I created this fund on the defi platform enzyme finance, a complete self-custodian asset management platform. My fund also outperformed bitcoin returns, but I could still not find any investors.

Not finding even a single client is not only my problem; if you are in the crypto market and want to survive, you will have to find clients. If nothing else works for you, then at least you can learn to communicate your pain of not finding clients to the clients themselves. Clients do not trust you because they do not trust your talent, and sharing your pain allows you to let them know your expertise as an investor. Clients are frustrated with their crypto portfolio and can’t express their pain, but if you, as a fund manager, can express your pain to clients, they will likely see the solution in you to their problem.

Tell them there are projects like enzyme finance that are entirely self-custodian defi platforms where you can manage their funds. Even I have created different funds on enzyme finance that outperformed bitcoin returns. Again as I mentioned, no one cared. Crypto is a noisy market where only developers rule, but what if you are not a developer who cannot launch a successful app? If you are not a developer, just being a good trader or long-term investor doesn’t matter. Crypto is a financial market, and skilled investors must rule this market, and that is why communicating your pain of not finding clients to clients is the key to winning their trust. I am an excellent skilled value investor who can help retail investors with long-term and value-investing strategies. But to make people believe in our skills, you and I must communicate our pain of not finding clients to others. It is okay to be vulnerable and shameless if that allows you to connect with investors.

Few fund managers have succeeded on platforms like enzyme.finance(link to my fund: https://app.enzyme.finance/vault/0x26fbd96cf151c98e1470048c3019439497326bba?network=polygon) and dhedge dao, and that ratio can create doubt in ourselves. Still, we need to believe in ourselves and keep communicating with others about our fears like these. I am displaying my fear of seeing a low success ratio; you can share some other concerns, but sharing becomes vital to connect with other investors because it is likely that they are facing similar fears. This sharing creates a bond between you and them. I trust your abilities as a fund manager, but if you can communicate your pain of not finding clients, it will also help unknown people trust your abilities.

You might have mastery in trading, and I carry skill in value investing and giving it a long-term approach. Still, the key to our success lies in communicating our pain of not finding enough clients so clients themselves can feel that you and I are more than capable of managing their money on defi platforms with complete self-custody given to them. It creates doubts in our fund management skills when we see developers flourishing, but when we communicate our pain to others about not finding clients to manage their portfolio, we can move mountains. When you connect your pain of hardly surviving as a crypto investor, you empower others to communicate their pain. I used the word shameless, but it is not shamelessness to communicate our lack of ability to share our pain. It is wisdom.

When you communicate your disability of not finding investors, you encourage investors to trust your fund, and they are likely to invest in it. Your clients will invest in your fund because it empowers them to communicate their pain of not finding clients. The more your clients invest in your fund, the more you empower them to communicate their pain to others. Ultimately, your clients are looking to find a way to express their pain.

Your clients must invest in your fund if they genuinely want to find a way to communicate their pain to their clients. It is a cycle. Your client may be a better investor than you, but to share his pain with others, he needs to invest in your fund and help you become a successful fund manager. The more your client connects with the idea that he needs to invest more funds in your fund if he wants to learn to express his pain to his clients, the more he will be a successful fund manager.

Like most art fields, investing is also an artistic field, and we all need to find a way to communicate our silent pain of not finding clients with others and, if possible, to clients themselves.

Your goal is to make the clients invest in your fund by telling them you have yet to have a single client. Keep writing about your pain of not finding clients. Even I need help getting a single client on the defi platform, so I am writing this article. I am connecting my pain to you so you can connect your pain with others. Sooner or later, we will have to stand up for ourselves.

I have been in the crypto market since 2017 and am still looking for a client whose money I can manage. I understood that if I wanted to succeed as an investor, I needed clients. I thought I would be managing millions by now. I need clients, and if you can be my client and invest a decent amount, I can assure you that you will be able to communicate your pain of not finding clients to the clients themselves, and that is what matters. There has to be a way for people who are not developers like you and me to make money in crypto. We need to find a way for ourselves because guess what? No one else will.

Dreaming about making millions is easy in the crypto market, but laying the infrastructure for that is challenging. If nothing else works, at least communicate your pain of not finding clients to others because, trust me, almost every crypto investor shares this pain. The pain of investors is infinite.

As skilled investors or traders, we have only one option to manage other investors’ money: to communicate our pain of not finding even a single penny’s investment worth. When people invest in your fund, you will likely only make 2% of the total investment, so imagine that even with the 1 Million investment value being invested in your fund, you can only make 20,000 USD a year.

There has been enough pain discussed, so let us stop this article here, and if you find my pain genuine, then you can invest in my fund here:


This simple fund contains only wbtc/wmatic and weth/wbtc LPs which outperformed bitcoin returns in the last six months after I created this fund. This is on enzyme finance, a complete self-custodian fund where you control your funds and take them out whenever you want.



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