Consciousness and crypto
When we totally think that we can succeed in crypto then we are judging ourselves but when we believe that we cannot do big things on our own in crypto and we need a spiritual power of meditation behind us then we can actually accomplish something that others cannot accomplish in the cryptocurrency market.
When we leave things on the power of mindfulness then we allow ourselves to create something that truly aligns with ourselves in the complex and noisy crypto market. You create far more powerful things when you align yourself with the power of mindfulness and create something in crypto. Don't be scared of not knowing what you can create in crypto but be confident about what you will explore in crypto through your growth in the wisdom of mindfulness. Mindfulness should be our preliminary goal and what we create in crypto is the by-product or a secondary goal of what we do in the cryptocurrency market. Accept whatever you create or do in crypto as a result of mindfulness and don't oppose the outcome because it is highly possible that particular outcome was always your destiny in crypto and only this way you would be able to provide massive value to others.
When we try to create something without the power of mindfulness we are doing the same thing that we were already doing but probably the market has changed to cryptocurrency. Whatever your initial concept to do something big in crypto is, you will have to test that through the power of mindfulness. Otherwise, you will never know that whatever you tried was because of your mind's conditioning or it was truly your destiny. mindfulness allows you to touch your own destiny in crypto because it allows you to question yourself and only through questioning we can know what we can do in the cryptocurrency market for life-long. Humans can succeed when they keep questioning their beliefs but by questioning the beliefs we also invite fear.
Mindfulness is the only way that allows us to question our beliefs without inviting fear. That is why mindfulness is such a powerful way to succeed in the complex cryptocurrency market.
Using the power of mindfulness in crypto sounds so obvious that people will not even try it but this is the only strategy that will stay with you till the end. People will say to you that all these inner peace talks are non-sense, we are in a complex financial market like crypto and we need more and more money to invest not this bullshit but the reality is that only mindfulness can help you identify different ways to raise capital for your crypto project or to manage clients funds in crypto. I never thought that I will write articles on awareness and cryptocurrency, it is such a weird concept to talk about but I believe that this is what my consciousness wants me to do as of now and I am comfortable doing this. Real self-knowledge in crypto comes not from only reading finance books, it comes from inside. Finance books can only give you the base but you need to put your wisdom on top of that base.
Miracles happen only after there is a massive amount of change in the past beliefs and that can happen quickly only when we have the power of mindfulness besides us.
The more you rely on the power of mindfulness more you avoid the unnecessary burden of overthinking about your crypto project. If liked this article then please give as many claps as possible and also join my telegram group here :