Find your own market fit as an individual in crypto
I believe that everyone can succeed in crypto but everyone has a different type of value to provide in crypto. This article is about finding your own market fit as an individual.
What I mean here is that I can provide value in crypto by writing this article but you might provide value through other means. Finding what path is made for you requires a lot of introspection and a lot of meditation. Finding your market fit requires complex wisdom and that wisdom can only be cracked through the spiritual power of mediation. Your mind is conditioned for different skill sets and thinking through your past life and that is why you have a different path to success than a person who has or is going to succeed in crypto. The only difference between you and the person who has already made an infinite amount of money in crypto is that person has found his way and you haven't. Meditation is the only way to find your way. It is possible that someone got lucky or through hard work found his way to the top and made money but if you commit to meditating well for your entire life then you will get lucky and succeed or your hard work to the top will never look like hard work to you and still, you will succeed.
A meditative mind will always keep you positive during negative periods.
People who lost their money in crypto or stocks are always going to discourage you and keep advising that you should leave such markets but if you keep a meditative mind then you can overcome such negative thoughts easily. I mean someday you are going to face such negativity from your parents, close friends, or spouse. You can’t cut relations with them because of their conditioning but you can see this as an opportunity to build a stronger relationship with the cryptocurrency market through meditation. Keeping a lifelong meditative mind allows you to experience different things positive or negative with an open mind and when we keep an open mind both experiences help us grow. You will have to understand that you have a different market fit as an individual in crypto from other investors. It is clearly connected with your past conditioning. The more you accept this more you will succeed and meditation allows you to do this and help you find your own market fit as an individual.
I will have to tell you again that you are a special individual and I am not saying this in any motivational manner. You indeed are an unique individual and only meditation can help you find your highest path to making money in the cryptocurrency market by utilizing your uniqueness as an individual.
If you had a tough childhood you will act differently in crypto from a kid who had a lot of toys and cars and was happy throughout his childhood. This is the reason meditation can help you to touch your personalized market fit. Meditation allows you to find your path whether you are fit to build something on blockchain or manage money as a trader, as a long-term investor, or as a combination of trading and building something. Whatever it is you will find it if you do it long enough. It is possible that if you have been poor all your life then you will try to create something that can make you rich quickly and also others can get rich quickly and later the project vanishes, and if you have been rich all your life then you will create something that gives long-lasting value to you and the society and you can probably wait for the money. Meditation allows you to find your unique market fit as an individual.
It is possible that you are looking to make money in crypto only so you can retire at the age of 35 and even if you are not aware of this desire, meditation will help you find your actual desire, your fit as an individual in the cryptocurrency market.
Initially, your path in crypto might look crazy not only to your close friends but also to other players in the cryptocurrency market but a meditative mind will keep you on track and get you closer to your ultimate fit as an individual in the great cryptocurrency market. It is possible that other external factors that are impossible to get rid of stop you from succeeding in the cryptocurrency market but your meditative mind gives you the highest possible opportunities to fight against those odds and that is what you want to have on your side, Odds of succeeding. The more you allow your individuality to flourish more you will succeed in the cryptocurrency market.
Everyone is working hard in the crypto market to get rich but the issue is that the one who succeeds has the right path and the one who doesn't because of the wrong path. Meditation connects you to the right path so your hard work doesn't go waste.
Society celebrates those who succeed and meditation will help you go there in crypto, of course, you will have achieved a such mental state that you won’t care about success that much. People are searching for ways to succeed in crypto as if there is some theory to succeed but meditation is the only sure-shot theory that will work I believe in external success. Our brain wants quick ways to succeed and that is why we will try to copy others in crypto and succeed but this will keep us away from success. Meditation may take you through a longer route but I am pretty confident that if enough mediation is done then you will find your own path to success in crypto by connecting your uniqueness with this newly evolved financial market.
Your power to connect mindfulness and the cryptocurrency market turns your tough luck into good luck. If we leave the difficulty of knowing what will work and what will not work in crypto to the power of mindfulness at least up to a certain extent then I am pretty confident that you will see some initial glimpse of miracles. Meditation is the broader path to your success in crypto and if you are trying to copy someone else’s path to succeed in crypto then you are thinking shallowly because you are demeaning your own uniqueness. Meditation stops you from doing this. If you see it on a broader level then most successful people have one thing in common and that is compassion and awareness. Meditation connects you to both traits. If you chose the broader path then we are bound to succeed and if we copy something then we are doomed to fail.
I heard Jeff Bezos saying once in an interview that if someone said that i knew that bezos will be the richest on the planet then i would have declared him crazy. So what this tells us is that even he believed that his success was majorly because of luck because he accidently connected with his own uniqueness but it is unlikely that the same accident will happen to millions of people. So you will have to chose the second best option and that is to allow power of mindfulness to do its job and we as an individual keep working hard on the ground level.
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