From sales to raising capital: Crypto and mindfulness

Long Term Coin
6 min readJan 19, 2023


It is a big red flag when we are investing and the coin is not making any sales. Know the sales a cryptocurrency is making to understand its underlying value. Mindfulness allows us to identify such coins.

Mindfulness gives us the power to invest in companies that can grow in sales because we become more aware of our investments and do more due diligence than ever. We are likely to make mistakes as investors if we are not mindful. Knowing sales growth and the stability of those sales is an essential aspect of investing in a cryptocurrency. At long-term coin meditation, our NFTs provide value to you when you invest with us because it is a lifelong membership. Whenever we keep a long-term approach in anything we do, we are likely to make decent returns on our investments. Of course, holding our NFTs gives you access to a lifelong exclusive meditative community so you can grow as an investor.

Investment is a world where the fewer mistakes we make, the higher our odds of making more money. Investing wisdom can only be acquired by being part of a lifelong meditative community because you start enjoying your meditation. A life without awareness will never be a fulfilling life, so even if we make money in the crypto market, we will never be satisfied with that money. If we practice mindfulness as an investor, we will likely make a decent amount of money in the longer term and will probably be happy. Mindfulness allows the process of making money and happiness to go together. With mindfulness on our side, we start investing with awareness, and that awareness can help us grow as an investor. Owning the LTC meditational community pass NFTs is essential to your crypto journey because it allows you to be part of the LTC meditation community for lifelong.

The crypto world is noisy, fast, and subject to complex changes every day, and to stay in this market and allow ourselves to make lifelong money, we need to be highly aware of every aspect. Being part of a lifelong mindful community is the only proper solution because when we commit to something lifelong, we will at least practice it up to a certain period, if not for our entire life. Minor improvements can also be a great start to creating miracles for ourselves and others. After spending years in the crypto market, I have learned that mindfulness is the only solution that can help every investor to find the answer to their investing problems. It amazes me that so many investors do not make money and leave the cryptocurrency market with a heavy heart just because they didn’t tap into their infinite wisdom. Practicing mindfulness can solve this complex problem without any significant financial investment; you may need to invest your time in practice, not money.

Practicing mindfulness can be committed for our whole life when we become part of a lifelong community, and that is the problem we are trying to solve and guess what? That is the world’s biggest problem, the way global warming is. The investment journey becomes easy when mindfulness becomes a significant part of that journey. The investment journey is never easy and a lifelong quest, but if we have a companion like mindfulness in that long journey, things become much better, if not best. The output depends upon your commitment to mindfulness if you ask me. Meditation opens new ways to access more capital to invest in the crypto market. Every investor is trying to find a way to invest more money, which is a complex problem. Still, following every individual’s talent, mindfulness can give that investor the ability to touch that capital. Mindfulness helps us avoid mistakes by helping us learn correct investing skills; this learning process is a lifelong quest. LTC meditational community pass is just about helping you in that journey. Whether it is real estate, stocks, or crypto, people need more capital to make more profit, and meditation is just about gradually solving this complex problem.

Meditation makes your hard work pleasant by converting your hard work into awareness.

Mindfulness makes us calm as an investor, which is the most demanding skill to acquire for an investor because only when we are not in a hurry can we make a significant and impactful decision. For most investors, the game of investing is over even before they start meaning they end up getting out of the market within a year of entering. Even if an investor stays in the market for more than a year, he doesn’t make significant money. That story has to change, which can change with the help of spirituality. Meditation is that real spiritual power. It is easy to be carried away by the articles about how someone made insane money in the crypto market. Mindfulness stops you from getting carried away by such stories because it helps you understand that the strategies behind such stories are not sustainable. We are always vulnerable in the financial game, so awareness becomes the most important thing. Be part of a lifelong LTC meditation community by owning our NFT.

As an investor, we are always wrong, and the more we are attached to this fact, the more we become detached from lousy investing decisions.

Without the power of meditation, this infinite journey of investing becomes painful. Crypto is an even more challenging market, so we must be more aware. Being part of a solid meditative community builds quality investing awareness through being aware of ourselves. We need to utilize our potential to become a successful investors. Only by fulfilling your potential can you know your destiny as an investor. We need to look into basic investing principles to make infinite money.

Mindfulness can help us connect with basic investing principles by understanding our complexity.

The world of investing is not easy and to be on top requires a solid self-belief that can only be achieved by a power higher than ourselves. Small mistakes can lead to massive financial loss, and mindfulness keeps us aware of those mistakes along with basic investing skills. The power of meditation connects us with the wisdom of getting more money to invest. This is the wisdom investors are looking for, but it comes to those aligned with their higher purpose. Meditation allows us to touch our higher purpose. I have discovered that our minds are designed not to feel our true talents as investors; you must feel your talent to start your journey to become successful in cryptocurrency. Meditation is the only way that stays with you forever and connects you to all the skills you need to become a successful investor. Rather than trying different strategies daily, it is better to use a method that can connect us to the best strategy that suits you. A happy investing career happens when we enjoy every moment of our investing journey, so happiness does not come to you after achieving profits, but it comes right now. Profits and losses are part of this journey.

It is always difficult to step into the unknown, but that is where you can gain the wisdom that others do not carry. We need the proper insight to succeed.

In the financial market, people work harder than you think, so only mindfulness can help you compete against such substantial hard work. Only correct wisdom can fight hard work through compassion. Meditation continuously improves empathy whether we observe it or not. Mindfulness also helps us from making the same investing mistake again. If we carry the correct investing approach, we will gain millions if given by others and vice versa. Investing history is filled with people losing billions by a single person. So mindfulness also helps us understand the responsibility that we need to carry. In investing, things can turn around quickly, so mindfulness keeps us aware of the potential threats we will face by increasing our awareness. Only our inner awareness can keep us aware of our complex long-term financial journey.

I invite you to be part of our meditational community by owning our NFT. You become a lifelong member, and as the network of meditators grows, your NFT is also likely to increase in value.

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