How to become a successful crypto investor? : Part 12

Long Term Coin
4 min readNov 14, 2022


Becoming a successful crypto investor without money requires building a community and then creating a good cryptocurrency product. Here, you don't need to make a financial product in order to build a good product but it can be any product. Crypto allows you to build any product in any market and raise funds by building a community in that particular market but you need to be as transparent as possible. The community will come to you only if you gain their trust to build something great for them. The community will make sure that whatever you are building is for the long term and not something that will evaporate after a few months. The community will check whether you have a lifelong commitment or not. Without the community, there is no growth. A community can be built by constant efforts. Your community is your lifeline for the success of your project.

Most projects fail because they fail to build a community. Yes, it is hard to build a crypto community that can invest money in your project but that is the challenge and if you can’t even solve this simple problem how can you think that you can succeed? Yes, you can also create a great crypto community, and that too without any investment. You just have to keep trying to talk to people by making useful content in the field of your expertise and then ask them to help raise funds for your dream that you want to accomplish with your newly created community. I see that there are very few people who are interested in building a community though they want to have all the perks without the hard work done to build a community. You will fight your inner devils when you start building a community. Devils that you were not aware of. This is the power of building a great community. To build a great community you need extra energy and that can come to you when you save your energy from some other place that is where you will find that extra energy required to build a successful community.

If you truly have the vision to build something great then that belief itself has infinite value and that value will help you to keep working hard and gradually you will find ways to build a great community. As price follows value your community will follow the deep value and desire that you have deep inside you to build a community. Building a community can be a daunting task for most but without building a community there is no success and no happiness for anyone. Even the community is also looking for a leader like you. Building a community is hard work and trust me this hard work will benefit everyone. Don’t look at those lucky people who got money from investors or a community without any effort they might even evaporate with time because they have not understood the Importance of a community and tasted success. I believe that you can and you will succeed on the product side and also on the community side. It is just the belief that you lack the moment you start believing in your own passion you will start building a successful community.

When you do the valuation of a company it requires hard work to learn the process of valuation in the first place. It requires at least practicing the same for at least a year and then only you can master valuation skills. Then only you can become a successful valuation expert and then only you can invest wisely and the same way building a community requires at least a year-long effort to build it. Most investors do not have the skills to learn valuation and that is the reason they can't invest smartly. Same way building a community requires skills. The way you can’t find the correct value of a cryptocurrency by fluke you can't build a community just by fluke. Every successful investor needs to learn how to do the valuation in any crypto project before investing and in the same way we all need to learn how to build a successful crypto community before building cryptocurrency products because the community gives you the funding. The only problem is that you don't believe that you can build a successful crypto community. The problem lies in all of us and we need to fight this devil by hook or by crook. Practice meditation if necessary but start believing at your core in every vein that you can build a great crypto community and then a great product.

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