How to make a guaranteed profit of 3000 % with bitcoin

Long Term Coin
5 min readApr 5, 2023


As a seasoned investor, I have learned that the key to financial success lies in the power of patience. It is no secret that the cryptocurrency market can be volatile and unpredictable, and the temptation to make quick profits can be overwhelming. However, the most successful investors think long-term and have the patience to wait for their investments to mature. In this article, I will discuss the power of patience in long-term investing, the importance of understanding valuation, and the benefits of long-term investment strategies.

Introduction to Long-Term Investment Strategies

Long-term investment strategies involve buying and holding assets for an extended period, typically five years or more. This strategy is based on the belief that, over time, the market will reward those who hold onto their investments through the ups and downs. Long-term investing is about patience, discipline, and the ability to resist the temptation to sell during market fluctuations.

The Power of Patience in Long-Term Investment

One of the most significant advantages of long-term investment strategies is the power of patience. When you invest for the long term, you have time, which means you can ride out market fluctuations without worrying about short-term losses. Patience allows you to take advantage of the market’s natural cycles, buying when prices are low and selling when prices are high. Patience also allows you to benefit from the power of compounding, where your gains are reinvested, leading to exponential growth over time.

Long-Term Holding of Cryptos for Financial Success

One of the most popular long-term investment strategies is holding stocks for an extended period. You can apply the same strategy in the cryptocurrency market. Historically, the stock market has provided excellent returns over the long term, and holding stocks for ten years or more has been a proven strategy for building wealth. Similarly, super-wealthy crypto investors invest in Bitcoin and do nothing for years after that. The key is to invest in cryptos with solid fundamentals and a proven track record of growth. Diversifying your portfolio and avoiding putting all your eggs in one basket is also essential.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Long-Term Investment

There are several everyday things that investors need to correct when implementing long-term investment strategies. One of the most significant mistakes is trying to time the market, which involves buying and selling based on short-term market movements. This approach rarely leads to long-term success and can result in missed opportunities and increased risk. Another mistake is not diversifying the portfolio, leaving investors vulnerable to the risks associated with a single asset or industry. Diversify a bit of your portfolio in the index fund, and do not put everything in the crypto market.

People are excited about the crypto market but have yet to take advantage of the bitcoin, which is profit itself. If our money does not work for us every day and every second, we cannot profit. Investors can make money out of Bitcoin only when they commit for the long term because it allows their money to work for them twenty-four-seven. The problem with most investors is that they cannot hold their Bitcoin for the long-term for N number of reasons. Some take the profit and leave; most invest when the market is up and sell when the market is down.

When we commit to the long-term, we focus on investing more and more capital rather than concentrating on doing something short-term. When you focus on committing for the long term, you are likely to get 1000 % returns without doing anything, and you can get even more because you start preserving the energy to invest more and more capital. If you hold Bitcoin for ten years, it will reach 1 Million USD, meaning it will be a 3000 % gain from today’s price of 30,000 USD. See any respected fund manager or investor’s prediction, and they all will agree on this. Holding for the long term is not about doing anything but about allowing yourself to focus on investing more and more capital. It is also about letting your hard-earned money work twenty-four-seven for you.

We can only make money in the crypto market if we allow our hard-earned money to work for ourselves twenty-four-seven. If you are still determining an asset that can survive for ten years, then be sure that Bitcoin will survive for the next ten years and probably forever. When we allow our hard-earned money to work for ourselves twenty-four-seven, we become the master of investing. When we are masters of investing, we always make money because now we can focus all our energy on getting more and more capital by creating different investing products or through other income streams.

We want to take action when it comes to investing because we think it will help us make money, but the real action is to let our money work for us twenty-four-seven. Believing that not doing anything is the real action is almost illusionary. But after years of spending in the crypto market, I know this is the reality. Holding your Bitcoin long-term is a simple process to help us make money.

The real investing villain

The problem starts when we fight against the real villain inside us. The real villain makes us sell Bitcoin after two years when we can hold it for ten years. It makes us sell in a panic and sell with little profits. We will have to kill the inner villain, which is probably a lifelong process.

When it comes to investing, we have a solution to that. Now we have smart contract technology that allows us to lock our bitcoins for the next ten years if we want to, and that is how we can make the highest possible profits with bitcoin. It allows us to make a 3000 % profit without doing anything — a common sense approach that is still not so common in the crypto market.

I have created a fund on enzyme finance, a defi project that gives complete control to you over your funds and still allows fund managers like me to lock your bitcoins for ten years. Blockchain is magic, so we must take advantage of this magic technology. I never touch your fund, and only you keep control of it. The enzyme finance has an AUM of nearly 100 MILLION USD, which shows the project’s authenticity.

When you lock your Bitcoin for an extended period, you are bound to beat the returns of most retail investors, which is what I want. I want you to have decent success, if not great success.

Invest in this fund and see the magic over time.

In the end, I will also leave a practice using the chess games where you can directly put the idea of long-term investing in Bitcoin in your subconscious mind. Visit my youtube channel. A lot of everyday investors do practice this way these days. I have numbers to prove this through my youtube analytics. Just start practicing on youtube shorts that I create on the shorts page.



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