If you seek this, crypto success will seek you
Chess meditation allows us to connect with the universal power faster. We need such an ability to succeed in a competitive market like NFTs, where millions of NFTs are created daily, and very few are sold. The NFT project can succeed only when the project has a solid community behind it.
Chess meditation allows us to build such a community through the right path. The right approach is to create a community that donates together. Specific portions of the profits should be given back to the community so they can donate together. Donating to charities will build a solid internal bond between community members. The stronger the bond higher your odds of succeeding together. This article will discuss this concept in detail.
Building a robust community in NFT is hard, and we all know at the subconscious level that building the community is necessary. We need to be made aware of the process. The process is simple: to create a community that can donate together.
Charitable work done jointly by community members creates a powerful bond between them. A community that contributes together grows together, and how can you not grow as an NFT creator if your community grows? Building a community can be painful if not combined with the passion of creating NFTs through which you can express yourself. Building a community that donates together is the path toward fulfilling your dream of creating a successful NFT project. If you see historically, all complex problems had simple solutions that required practice. Building a community is a complex problem that can be resolved by creating a community that donates together. But to do that, you need to practice mindfulness because, without compassion inside us, we cannot create a compassionate community. Building a community is lifelong; mindfulness can make that process easy. Building a community that donates together requires determination to do whatever it takes to create such a community, similar to the habit of value investors who will do whatever it takes to find the intrinsic value of a particular stock. Successful value investors will read the annual report of hundreds of pages many times to find out the actual value of a stock or cryptocurrency. That is the level of commitment we need in the NFT market to build such a community. Without practice, we cannot do this level of responsibility, and mindfulness can be beneficial in this long journey.
Mindfulness is an action that can help you create a community. Mindfulness requires commitment. Mindfulness can help us to create a robust community.
If we accomplish one thing, we are likely to achieve another one. That is why own our chess NFTs and be part of our meditative community. You will be able to meditate whenever you want with the community members. The community will decide. Building a community and mindfulness practice are interconnected. We have designed the community so that it will nearly force you to do mindfulness practice indirectly. We donate half of the funds to charities decided by the community. This process creates a solid bond between community members, and these community members will encourage each other to meditate and plan on growing the community. Only through owning our NFTs can you become part of our community, and gradually you will have the wisdom through community discussions on building a solid community. Donating part will encourage community members to make a solid bond with each other and also encourage each other to meditate together and stay accountable to create a stable community for your NFT project. Owning meditation NFTs will keep everyone connected to discuss growing the community regularly. Discussions have to happen to develop your NFT project.
Without being part of a community that encourages each other to create NFT projects that can succeed is hard. Commitment is a must. When we commit to meditating, we are likely to grow. Commitment is harder.
Commitment to meditation will be the deciding factor for the growth of your NFT project. Commitment to meditation is hard, and that is what we all need. Owning our NFTs will make you committed and part of the community. Commitment to meditation is hard, but we must commit to growth and success in the NFT market. Commitment to meditation will help you succeed in the long term, if not in the short time. Commitment to mediation is demanding and can only be done when we show it through financial commitment. That is why owning our NFTs will show that you are sincere about doing meditation for a long time. If this sounds like a sales pitch, you need to be corrected because anything challenging requires a long-term commitment. Best way to show our long-term commitment is through financial commitment.
Only sincere investors can do commitment to meditation because it is challenging. But who said success was easy?
Meditation done in a community increases the odds of our lifelong commitment. Owning our chess NFTs will show that you are indeed serious about meditating, and the donating process will likely increase the value of NFTs in the longer term because donating together increases the community bond. A powerful community bond lays the foundation of growth. Most crypto investors have all the wisdom required to succeed, but they need the wisdom that can connect their knowledge to their growth. A lifelong commitment to meditation is that wisdom. Owning our NFT will make us part of our NFT community that meditates together.
We are mistaken if we think we can succeed in the crypto market without a severe lifelong commitment. You can scroll to the following article, but things are likely to stay the same by scrolling on social media. Meditation is a serious thing that is undoubtedly connected with our success in work life, but we always lack seriousness. Meditation requires a belief in the process of meditation in the first place, and that belief can only develop if we commit lifelong. Meditation is the purest form of spirituality — No religion involved. We need to connect technologically developed financial markets like crypto with the power of mindfulness to succeed.
Commitment is demanding because our body cells stop us from growing. We tell ourselves when we self-talk unconsciously that we do not deserve success, are incapable, cannot do this, etc. That self-talk is the most dangerous thing that stops us from making the commitment required for our growth. Building a good NFT community requires compassion inside us in the first place to develop a compassionate community. Meditation helps us develop that compassion. Your lifelong commitment is a make-or-break thing for you regarding meditation. Your commitment has a much more significant impact on your life than you assume. We cannot underestimate the importance of meditation in our crypto and NFT journey. Your commitment to meditation can help you become a successful NFT creator by building a community that can donate together. Your commitment and success are not only about you but also about people who support you in life, like close friends and family members.
Owning our chess NFTs shows that you are financially committed to meditating. As the community grows with more and more donation events, you will likely become a lifelong meditator. We cannot succeed in the crypto market without investing for the long term in bitcoin and also cannot succeed without a long-term commitment to the pure spiritual power of meditation. Nothing can be more critical than the lifelong commitment to meditation for our crypto journey; I believe in this fact. Meditation should be made a daily habit for all investors because the help it provides to investors is immense. Meditation and success in crypto are so taboo that I see no blogs written on this topic except my blogs. Meditation is a powerful tool that allows us to be happy right from this moment, even when we do not see any good results in our crypto portfolio. Owning our chess meditation NFTs enables you to be part of our lifelong meditative community. With lifelong commitment, we can be successful meditators and investors.
It is our right to be happy during our investment journey in the crypto market. Meditation keeps us happy during our crypto journey.
People use drugs to abuse themselves because they do not love themselves. If a person does not love himself, then how can he be successful? Meditation allows us to love ourselves through healing, and only after crossing the basic healing threshold can we start our journey to success in crypto. Meditational ecstasy is a lifelong journey. We cannot get tired when we cannot focus on being in the present moment. We must keep trying. Meditation connects us with our true investing capabilities. When we go out, we wear our shoes without even noticing it, and similarly, we need to be masters in meditation even when we work or make investment decisions. The goal is to connect with our higher power to succeed in the crypto and NFT market.
Distractions from television to social media will always be there. We will have to focus on our crypto success, and that focus comes from focusing on our breaths, focusing on the meditation practice. We can avoid distractions when we know where to focus, and meditation is where we need to focus. If we can focus on our meditation, then it is likely that we will be able to find that intense focus required to succeed in the crypto market. Without focus, we cannot succeed because it requires the highest form of energy, and that focus can only come from the power of mindfulness. People fail in the crypto market because they lack focus. They lack focus because they do not know which direction to choose. Meditation solves all these problems. Success in any field requires intense focus, and that focus can only come when we are connected with a higher power on frequent occasions.
Mindfulness kills the greed inside us, and only after killing the inner greed can we become successful investors.
The more we connect with our higher power, the higher our odds of succeeding in the crypto market. Your focus on mindfulness can decide your success and failure as an investor. The biggest problem is that our mind is not ready for our success because it has the habit of failing. That is why we cannot meditate with focus because our minds know that meditation will likely be our success formula as investors.
There are many spiritual leaders and meditation gurus, but what fascinates me is not being a guru. Connecting the power of meditation with success in the crypto market fascinates me.
Distraction from social media is one of the biggest hurdles for everyone to achieve mindfulness power. We need to focus on what is essential. Many apps can stop us from using social media by locking our phones, but more is required. The permanent solution is to focus on practicing meditation.
When we drive and someone driving ahead of us is moving slowly, we can focus on mindfulness instead of getting irritated by it. Such small steps can lead us to our crypto success in the long term. Mindfulness allows us to be more responsible by taking on more family and work responsibilities. Mindfulness will let us listen to our friends with compassion. Such small daily changes in life can lead us to great success in the crypto or NFT market. Mindfulness generates the necessary empathy inside us to succeed.
The hardest thing as an investor is to raise or increase the capital to invest, and practicing mindfulness can lead us to solve that complex problem. People are so fascinated by the ups and downs of the crypto market, and stories of NFTs sold for millions that they have lost touch with the common sense approach of succeeding in the long term in the crypto market. Mindfulness gives us back that common sense. Mindfulness will allow you to push your limit as an investor because everyone who needs to succeed in the crypto market must introduce powerful financial products or build amazing NFTs and communities. To accomplish such tasks, we must go beyond our current abilities.
Finding undervalued cryptos or NFTs and building thriving crypto/NFT communities requires us to touch the power of mindfulness. Success in crypto can cause a lot of friction in our lives, but with mindfulness, we can achieve success with the lowest possible conflict. The more you live in the present moment higher your odds of getting closer to your success in the crypto market. Mindfulness, or being in the present moment, is the purest form of spirituality, and most religions’ original teaching is this only, but because of the mediators, things have been misunderstood. Most crypto investors do not have any imagination to think in this direction, so they search for some miraculous investing strategy that apparently doesn’t exist.
Initially, if you do intense meditation to succeed in the crypto market, you will likely fall asleep, but gradually that will slow down.
We get distracted in our focus on crypto-only because of our past conditioning. Mindfulness helps us in changing that conditioning. To succeed in crypto requires focus, and what I mean by focus is not looking outside your laptop for 8 hours and keep working in the crypto market to find undervalued assets or build a community. Bitcoin is getting costlier day by day, and only an increase in our income can help us buy more bitcoins. Mindfulness can be the solution for that financial growth. Only meditation can help us calm our emotionally turbulent minds. Initially, you might think that meditation cannot help you heal the emotional damage, but with time you will start generating faith in the process. We need to overcome all these obstacles before succeeding in the crypto market.
When we fail in the crypto market, we are indirectly harming ourselves. Only mindfulness can stop us from this self-harm.
Sometimes it is a lifelong battle to fight against inner emotional turmoil, but we will have to fight by committing ourselves to lifelong meditation. The more we become emotionally stable higher our odds of succeeding in crypto, but that emotional stability comes from practicing mindfulness. Emotional instability happens because of many unwanted events in our lives. Mindfulness allows us to accept the fact that we did our best. Emotional stability sometimes requires lifelong mindfulness practice because the wounds are intense. Your crypto success requires you to heal all these.
The problem with most investors is that they try to succeed in the crypto market without healing their deep wounds. It cannot happen.
Meditation can help us heal wounds no matter how deep they are. If the emotional damages are severe, it may take some time and create a lot of unease during your meditation practice. Still, gradually, it will heal you, and you will start finding strategies that can help you find your niche in the crypto market. The more you attach yourself to the idea that crypto success is not only about making money but more about you being happy, the more the money-making process becomes effortless. Emotional wounds are hard to fight because they are dumped inside our body cells. When something is mixed with our body cells, it takes time to heal, but if we keep persisting, we can heal and grow.
Mindfulness and crypto together fascinate me. I don’t know why, and I probably will never find out why.
If you think you cannot succeed in the crypto market, then let me reassure you that you have all the wisdom but cannot connect that wisdom to your success in crypto because you are probably not healed to the core. You may hesitate to seek mindfulness as a solution for your success in crypto, but sooner or later, you will find this the perfect solution. We do not like people who talk too much, but what about the negative self-talk in our minds throughout the day? We need to overcome this negative self-talk to succeed. Mindfulness stops this self-talk.
It is hard to keep ourselves emotionally stable when we have to work hard to succeed in the crypto market, and at the same time, our bodies resist such hard work. Mindfulness can reduce this friction between our bodies and hard work.
What you seek is seeking you.
If you seek mindfulness, then mindfulness will seek you. Everything like financial success, work satisfaction, happiness, and health rests under the universal power.
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Be part of our meditational community by owning our chess NFTs. Scarce NFT will help us increase the price of our NFTs and also help us build a strong community of lifelong meditators.
Join our telegram to discuss more on meditation: https://t.me/longtermcoin