Is COIN) Undervalued?

Long Term Coin
7 min readAug 13, 2022

-- is around for a while and even if you have been involved in crypto in the most minimalistic manner you must have come across one of the marketing campaigns. The real question is the valuation of the CRO coin… If you are an investor you need to make sure whether CRO is undervalued or overvalued…This content is all about finding out if CRO is undervalued or overvalued.

If you see the token burn of CRO here then what you will find is that cro has burned around 6 Billion tokens with an average price of the token staying around 0.4 USD. But Why the average price is needed to understand the valuation?

Because knowing the average price can help us identify their yearly profits by multiplying the average price with their total tokens burnt. So here the average yearly profits seem to be 6 Billion burnt tokens multiplied by 0.4 USD which equals 2.4 BIllion USD. Now one of the tricky parts here is that there is a sudden rise in the token burnt on 16th November 2021... Whether these tokens were burnt from the profits or was it just a burn to increase the price of the CRO is the subject to dig into. We didn't see any article regarding burning these tokens in any artificial way but from the chart, it seems to be like that. Anyways this is a subject to dig into. If this burn of nearly 4 billion was from profits then the valuation of these tokens becomes around 25 billion USD which means it is undervalued from its current market cap of nearly 4 billion so almost 1/5 price from the actual valuation which makes this token a massively undervalued token. But if the tokens burnt from the 16 November date are artificial then it is likely that this platform might not be extremely undervalued. It might get a little overvalued as well. We leave it up to you to find out if the tokens burnt on 16 November were artificial or real.

This is a very over-the-top way of getting an idea about whether the tokens are massively undervalued or not. This helps us to identify whether we are buying crypto at an inflated price or not. This is just a 50% job done. Another 50 % job is to identify the monopoly of this project.

Is there a monopoly in aka Cronos? offers many products which give it an inheritance monopoly in the world of crypto. We at long-term coin are also offering many products for a user to grow as an investor and grow his wealth. It is very hard for any new wallet to just come in and offer the number of products that offers its users. This itself gives it a certain amount of monopoly. Now, from the investors' perspective, you would think how can it be great for me as an investor if it offers so many products?

It is important because more products mean more the odds of users staying attached to the products. See youtube, Gmail, and google... Their main three products are integrated which gives them a monopoly. Monopoly is something that is hardly talked about in the world of crypto. Traditional investors in the stock market know this very well so they give a lot of importance to this particular thing and a lot of weightage before getting into any buying behavior. Without identifying a proper monopoly it gets very hard for an investor to hold the token for the long term because of the price fluctuations even though he might have bought the token at an extremely undervalued price. The combination of buying an asset at an undervalued price and then having the clarity of the asset about its long-term monopoly can give you outstanding results in the world of crypto as an investor.

The way we have designed our products at long-term coin gives you as an investor a massive monopoly and gives you an opportunity to provide value by becoming a fund manager or by providing unique funds in which other investors can invest. Both products are hard to understand initially and it may require some work from your side to understand but once you understand them all you would want is the long-term coin. You will have to understand that protocols that are hard to understand initially have higher odds of giving people an opportunity to provide a lot of value. Anything is hard to accomplish initially but sooner or later we all together can provide a lot of value to ourselves and to others. Once we are in the zone to create value for ourselves and for others in the world investing, that is all we will crave for. Yes, we understand that our protocol is new and we are also seeking monopoly and seeking a place on the planet where we can provide value to you, us, and mainly to global users. It is always hard when you are starting something new but with persistence, we believe we can grow together. We believe that people who are associated with us from the start will have a lot of value created in their life over a period. No one can provide massive value overnight, that concept hardly exists.

If you want your investment to grow 1000x you also need to be part of the protocol and create value. Forget about our protocol any protocol or crypto you buy you will need to provide value in order to get a 1000x return on your investments. Providing that level of value requires persistence, skills, efforts, investments, influence, and probably many more things. Even when Google invests in a start-up they have a dedicated team to help the start-up design its products, market its products, and also leverage its existing infrastructure. This is how things are done together. Growth is hard but that is the best part about growth. It teaches us to be better humans. When we associate ourselves with something which requires hard work generally helps us grow in one way or another.

Focusing on the protocols like long-term coin won't give you any instant gratification in terms of your finances but by committing to grow with us in helping us design the products and by creating value in society you can grow your investment to a point which we believe can be great. You can start taking part in our protocol by asking questions in our telegram group.

Now let us get back to They also have got regulatory approval from the South Korean government which is one of the biggest markets in the crypto world. They recently got the approval in the cayman islands as well. Now, Getting such approvals again gives them a competitive advantage. It is very important for an investor to understand that a product should either be taking action in order to have a monopoly or at least the product should be designed in such a way that it should carry a monopoly in long term the way we have designed our products to create a monopoly in long term for our investors.

If you see their android app and its reviews then although reviews are not that high they are extremely prone to improving themselves and that is why they have addressed every possible negative review. Just go and check their android app and you will find that they have addressed all the negative reviews. Now, this shows the culture of the project that they are ready to learn from their mistakes and they will do their best to create great products. It is very important to know that the team is ready to learn from users’ feedback because that is where the growth is. We at long-term coin are constantly asking our users and investors where can we improve because that is where the growth stands. We would love you to join our Telegram community and give us your valuable feedback and also let us know where can we grow. User feedback is such an important thing that it is almost always hard to neglect it as a start-up. Without creating things that users want it is very hard to survive in this business. Listening to users gives us peace in the world of entrepreneurship. When we listen to users we know where we are lacking and where we need to improve. Listening to users means that we are on the track to growth as a start-up or a crypto project. Listening to customers can help us to know exactly what a coin needs to do in order to create value for its users. It's the ultimate shortcut to success we believe. The customer is always right. All one needs to do is just sit back and try to feel what the customer is feeling. Read what the customer is writing about your project in reviews and on other online platforms. Constant obsession with customers’ opinions is the key. The problem with most crypto projects is that they don't want to listen to their customers even though they all know that it is a must for the long-term survival of their project.

I hope you all loved this content and if you did then please join our telegram group. The link is in the description.




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