Risks while Investing in or building successful NFT projects

Long Term Coin
6 min readNov 6, 2023


In recent years, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained immense popularity as a unique implementation on top of blockchain technology. NFTs represent ownership of a digital asset registered on a public blockchain, such as Ethereum. While NFTs have found various applications, their primary appeal lies in their potential for investment. People can buy, sell, and trade digital assets like artwork or video game items using cryptocurrency. However, the rapid rise and subsequent crash of the NFT and crypto markets have raised concerns about the sustainability, environmental impact, and exploitative practices associated with NFT projects.

Understanding NFTs and Their Potential

Before delving into the risks and drawbacks, it’s important to grasp the concept and potential of NFTs. These tokens are unique and indivisible, unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis. NFTs enable the tokenization of digital assets, providing proof of ownership and authenticity on the blockchain. This innovation has allowed creators, artists, and collectors to monetize and trade digital creations.

Volatility and Speculation

One of the most significant risks of investing in NFT projects is the extreme volatility and speculation surrounding the market. New projects like ours carry even more risk of failing right from the start. The value of NFTs can fluctuate drastically quickly, leading to substantial gains or losses for investors in projects you have already invested in or in projects like ours that are new. The mid-2022 crash of the NFT market highlighted the unpredictable nature of this investment space. Potential investors must approach NFTs cautiously and conduct thorough research before committing their resources to our project or the hottest NFT in the market.

Lack of Regulation and Investor Protection

Another concern with NFT projects is the need for more regulation and investor protection measures. Unlike traditional financial markets, the NFT space operates with minimal oversight, creating an environment vulnerable to scams, fraud, and manipulation. Investors must exercise due diligence and be aware of the risks involved when participating in NFT projects. Founders get tired while trying to sell their NFTs because, after all, it is a competitive market, and the same can happen to us. We may get tired or slow down the process of rapid growth if we do not see significant results.

Lack of Decentralization

While blockchain technology is often associated with decentralization, the reality of NFT projects may not always align with this principle. Many NFT platforms and marketplaces are centralized, meaning that a small group or entity holds significant control over the platform. This lack of decentralization can introduce risks, such as censorship, limited access, and potential market manipulation. If an NFT project has fewer investors, it may further increase the risk of a lack of decentralization. Our NFT project is all about making decentralized cryptocurrencies managed by our NFT holders, but still, the process always carries risk, just like major other NFT projects.

Lack of Intrinsic Value

Critics argue that NFTs lack intrinsic value, as they are primarily based on speculation and subjective perceptions of worth. Unlike physical assets such as real estate or gold, which have inherent value and utility, the value of NFTs relies heavily on market trends and investor sentiment. This lack of intrinsic value makes NFTs susceptible to market bubbles and significant price fluctuations. Even our NFT may carry the same issues, so we are focusing on building a community that can run the entire cryptocurrency independently rather than depending on our team. Only our NFT holders can decide how to run the project.

Lack of Liquidity

Investing in NFT projects may present challenges when it comes to liquidity. While some high-profile NFTs have fetched substantial prices, the market for lesser-known or niche NFTs can be illiquid. Selling an NFT may require finding a willing buyer, which can be challenging if there is limited demand for a particular asset. Investors should carefully consider the liquidity of an NFT project before making any investment decisions. In our project also, there is a good chance that it stays without liquidity for an extended period or even forever, so it is better that if you are going to own our NFT, you start focusing on the risk part rather than the return part either it is our project or anyone else’s project.

Market Saturation and Copycat Projects

The rapid growth of NFT projects has led to market saturation and an influx of copycat projects. With thousands of new NFTs being minted daily, it can take time to differentiate between valuable and mediocre projects. The market’s oversaturation increases the risk of investing in low-quality or fraudulent NFTs, potentially leading to financial losses. This is the reason why one should think twice before investing not only in our NFT project but also in any NFT project they want to become owner of.

Lack of Long-Term Viability

The long-term viability of NFT projects remains uncertain. The current hype surrounding NFTs may fade over time, causing a decline in demand and value. While some NFTs may retain their worth, others may become obsolete or lose their appeal. Investors should carefully consider the long-term prospects of an NFT project before committing their funds. It is possible that NFTs you already own or even our won NFT project will lose over time, even after our best efforts, so it is essential to know what we are doing while being part of the NFT market.

Recommendations for Ethical Investing in NFT Projects

Considering the risks and drawbacks associated with NFT projects, it is essential to approach NFT investing ethically and responsibly. Here are some recommendations for potential investors:

Thorough Research: Conduct comprehensive research on the NFT project, including its creators, track record, and community reputation. Anonymous people like me will create many NFTs, so you have to be extra careful with those projects.

Evaluate Sustainability: Consider the environmental impact of the NFT project by assessing the underlying blockchain’s energy consumption and environmental policies.

Due Diligence: Exercise due diligence to identify potential scams or fraudulent activities within the NFT space. Verify the authenticity and ownership rights of the digital assets before investing. Even with our NFT project, I want you to do extreme research before investing because risk is always there, and the question is how much.

Diversify Investments:

  1. Spread investments across different NFT projects to mitigate risks.
  2. Avoid putting all eggs in one basket and diversify the portfolio.
  3. Do not only invest in our project but also try to invest in other decent projects to minimize the risk.

Engage with the Community: Participate in discussions and engage with the community surrounding the NFT project. This can provide valuable insights and help make informed investment decisions. We still do not have any active community members, but it is better to discuss with community members before investing in any project, including ours.

Long-Term Outlook: Consider the long-term viability and potential value of the NFT project. Evaluate its utility beyond the current hype and speculate on its future demand.

In conclusion, investing in NFT projects carries significant risks and drawbacks that potential investors should carefully consider. Volatility, lack of regulation, environmental impact, lack of decentralization, and the absence of intrinsic value are among the key concerns. However, by conducting thorough research, practicing due diligence, and adopting an ethical approach, investors can navigate the NFT space more responsibly. It is crucial to remain informed, engage with the community, and diversify investments to mitigate risks and make informed decisions in this evolving investment landscape.

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