The invisible power of crypto communities
We all know how important it is to build a community, but we still do not put much effort into building communities as crypto founders. Yes if you want to be a successful crypto investor then you will have to create a cryptocurrency project. Without creating a successful project it is very unlikely that you can be a successful cryptocurrency investor especially if you are not having a large chunk of money.
The first and most important step to starting a cryptocurrency project is to build a successful community. Without building a community, likely, you will not succeed. You need the support of the community which is aligned with your vision. It is very hard to make a successful crypto project alone. Even satoshi needed support from the core bitcoin developer group. Community is everything. Community is the superpower that you are looking for. The community has the power to move mountains for you. The community can help you get recognization for your project on social media. The community can help you with their invisible power to get success. Sometimes you may not see what the community is doing for you. The success of the community and your success as a crypto founder go hand in hand. The more you understand this simple fact higher your chance of succeeding. Even though Ronaldo is the best he still has a hard time making Portugal the world champion. Because it is teamwork in the end. You see Ronaldo crying out of the ground many times after losing because he alone cannot do anything. Same way, Community is a major part of your project's success. No matter how smart you are as a developer or as an influencer you need the support of the community. All the successful projects have the support of a solid community.
A community is a powerhouse that only those founders who have seen their strength knows. The strength and backing of the community are an invisible force in reality. I mean most of the time you don't see the strength that community gives you. I mean it is not a moment-to-moment thing but feeling of the community backing is what drives you in the longer run. The more you believe in the community as your family more your chance to succeed as a project. If you believe that they are your family members as a founder sooner or later they will also start believing in you as a family member. Imagine the power of hundreds and hundreds of people considering you as a family member. Nothing can be more powerful than this for the success of your crypto project. It is the invisible force that helps you. A community will come to help you whenever you are in trouble from brainstorming to giving you funds to find marketing solutions. The more you consider them as your family members higher your chance of getting all these advantages that other founders won't have. After all, in a family, there are no favors but only support.
If your child is dumb still you are going to love him infinitely and in the same way you need to love your community infinitely. I mean that is your duty to take care of your community. The community has many options to choose from but if they are being part of your vision then it is your duty to do whatever you can to help and grow your community. If your community doesn't grow in financial or other areas by being part of your project then there cannot be any real success. Real success as a crypto founder comes when your community gets some significantly major gains in financial terms or other forms. There will always be people on social media opposing you for your passion for your community. People may say that you are less focused on the customer and more focused on the community etc but in reality, the more you focus on the community higher your odds of focusing on what exactly customers want. In fact, It is likely that those cryptocurrency founders who are telling you to stop going crazy behind your community will evaporate. The ultimate truth is that you will have to have your community’s infinite support in order to succeed.
Your community will support you financially and emotionally in difficult times and that is why you need them. You cannot serve your customers without money and emotional strength. Sometimes trying new things can create losses and if you have community support then you can overcome such mistakes without any emotional damage. Community is a superpower in nutshell. A community can really help you to go through the most difficult tasks without being in stress while other crypto founders might be struggling with the daily tasks because of a lack of community support. If you are an investor in the cryptocurrency market then one day if you hustle then you will realize that you need to become a crypto project which aligns with your passion and when you will realize this then only you will understand the power of a successful and long-lasting community.
The support of a community is as important as the support of a goalkeeper in soccer/football. Crypto is a competitive market and facing problems every day is easily possible so when you have the backup of a community you are likely to thrive while others will be wondering about your mystical secret although it will be in front of their eyes. The fact is that building a community is a life-long process. You will have to put every effort and focus all your energy into building a great community, especially in the initial stages. Unless you are subconsciously programmed to build a great community you are likely to be doomed in this area. You will have to practice and change your paradigm in order to succeed as a crypto founder. Changing the paradigm is the toughest of all but you will have to do it. Create content regarding your project in order to build a community. I mean that can be a great start. It is unlikely that your community will find you in some mysterious way. Building a community is as hard as it can get for the crypto founders who truly want to have long-lasting success.
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