Why some coins are overvalued and others are not in crypto market ?
Read this article if you want your portfolio to go to the moon.
I believe that crypto market is still in its infancy stage and there are mostly people who are trying to do gambling and that is the reason they are loosing money in this market.Now back to the question. I believe when the bubble busted( i think we are still in a bubble but a smaller one now) in 2018 JAN at that time most of the projects were having next to zero revenue but some rose from that and made some good products like enjin, kyber network. But many projects did nothing and wasted the money of the investors and pricing is still trying to make a track of all these activities. I think price is trying to follow the valuation and sooner or later it will reward the good projects and punish the bad projects.Because these are startups so they move up quickly if they do some good growth and price follows them later on so you might see a little late movements in price but they follow the valuation sooner or later.
The other reason for this is that sometimes good projects in crisis situation or because of fud,they loose the trust of the investors and that’s why they drop significantly in the price but these kind of drops are for a smaller time frame so you can’t consider these projects as loosers. In fact you should consider these projects as a buying opportunity. I hope this article helps you to understand crypto market little better. Thank you.